Module to read/write/assign the data contained in the Streamlining
class instance.
- Requires Python packages/modules:
(parameters_file_name_list)¶ Parameters: parameters_file_name_list (list) – JSON parameters files to be read and parsed Load and parse a list of JSON parameters files into a parameters dict.
Step through a list of JSON parameters files (usually “defaults.json” and the job JSON file). Parse each into a parameters dict, ensuring that subsequent JSON parameters override any set by previous JSON files.
Returns: workflow parameter dictionary Return type: dict
(parameters_path, parameters_file)¶ Parameters: Load JSON parameters files (defaults and job) and parse them in turn to generate a workflow parameters dictionary.
Returns: workflow parameter dictionary Return type: dict
Module to read/write/assign the data contained in the :class:`.Streamlining`
class instance.
Requires Python packages/modules:
- :mod:`json`
.. _json:
import os
from json import load
import streamlines
__all__ = ['read_json_file','import_parameters']
pdebug = print
def import_parameters(parameters_path, parameters_file): #,do_reload_state=False
parameters_path (list): path to JSON parameters files (broken out as OS path list)
parameters_file (str): name of job JSON parameters file
Load JSON parameters files (defaults and job) and parse them in turn to
generate a workflow parameters dictionary.
dict: workflow parameter dictionary
# Parse default and assigned JSON parameters files
slm_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(streamlines.__path__[0],'..','..'))
defaults_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(slm_path,'json','defaults'))
parameters_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(parameters_path,parameters_file))
parameters_files_list = [defaults_path,parameters_path]
return read_json_file(parameters_files_list), slm_path, parameters_path
def read_json_file(parameters_file_name_list):
parameters_file_name_list (list): JSON parameters files to be read and parsed
Load and parse a list of JSON parameters files into a parameters dict.
Step through a list of JSON parameters files (usually "defaults.json"
and the job JSON file).
Parse each into a parameters dict, ensuring that subsequent JSON parameters
override any set by previous JSON files.
dict: workflow parameter dictionary
# Start wit a clean parameters dictionary
parameters_dict = {}
# Step through each JSON parameters file in turn
for parameters_file_name in parameters_file_name_list:
parameters_file_name += ".json"
# Read in the parameters file
with open(parameters_file_name) as json_file:
parameters = load(json_file)
# Step through all the dict items in turn
# We do this so that we can replace a (sub-)dict item
# if the second (etc) JSON file needs to override
# an item value set in the first (etc) JSON parameters file.
for key,item in zip(parameters.keys(),parameters.items()):
# Check to see if the item is itself a dict
if isinstance(item[1],dict):
# If so, step through this source sub-dict
for subitem in item[1].items():
# If the destination sub-dict doesn't exist yet, create it
# Either way, add the item to this sub-dict
# The sub-dict exists: update this key and value
parameters_dict[item[0]].update({subitem[0] : subitem[1]})
# The sub-dict does not exist yet, so set this key and value
# as its first item
parameters_dict[item[0]] = {subitem[0] : subitem[1]}
# If not a dict, set the key, value
parameters_dict[key] = item[1]
# This should not happen if the parameters file is a set
# of sub-dicts only, one per workflow class instance
return parameters_dict